Company news

Wuhan Hyundai Blow Molding

Wuhan Hyundai Blow Molding

Wuhan Hyundai Blow Molding The general principle of blow molding can be summarized as blowing compressed air into the molten parison to inflate it later…

Company news 300 2020-12-25

Two component injection molding

Two component injection molding

Bicomponent injection molding includes two-color, two-component and double-layer composite injection molding, and the equipment structure is roughly the same.

Company news 306 2020-12-22

Wuhan modern antioxidant

Wuhan modern antioxidant

Wuhan modern antioxidant In the process of molding, storage and use of plastics, due to various factors, its structure changes, performance deteriorates, an…

Company news 308 2020-12-18

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