Company news

Plastic film extrusion
Plastic film extrusionThe tubular membrane blank is extruded, compressed air is pumped into the tubular membrane blank, and the membrane blank is inflated or the…
Company news 395 2022-10-07

Linear low-density polyethylene grass silage film
Linear low-density polyethylene grass silage filmIf polyethylene grass silage film (bag) is used to store freshly harvested grass, the original nutrients and moi…
Company news 416 2022-10-06

Polyethylene self-sealing film
Polyethylene self-sealing filmPolyethylene self - sealing film is a kind of film with special structure in extrusion blow - molding film. The special structure o…
Company news 389 2022-09-30

Plastic Film Extrusion Molding
Plastic Film Extrusion Molding(4) Molding process Extrusion plastic light turning insulation PE film barrel process temperature: 120~150 ℃ in the feeding sectio…
Company news 457 2022-09-29

Analysis of quality problems in extrusion molding of PVC double-wall corrugated pipes
Analysis of quality problems in extrusion molding of PVC double-wall corrugated pipesThe center line of the real quilt is on the same center line and on the same…
Company news 419 2022-09-28

S-type hollow profile sheet extrusion machine
S-type hollow profile sheet extrusion machineMachine type :1400 1800 2300 2700 Max sheet width(mm) :1250 1650 2150 2550 Sheet thickness(mm) :2-6 6-12 12-20 2-6 6…
Company news 525 2022-09-28

Fiber Reinforced PVC Hose
Fiber Reinforced PVC HoseFiber reinforced PVC hoses are basically the same as ordinary PVC hoses. They are also made of polyvinyl chloride resin as the main mate…
Company news 408 2022-09-27

Plastic film extrusion
Plastic film extrusionThe temperature of circulating water in the process of separation is too high, or the water ring is poor from the die mouth to the working …
Company news 404 2022-09-26

Low density polyethylene mulch film
Low density polyethylene mulch filmLow-density polyethylene mulch film is a kind of film used to cover the growing ground of crops. In order to meet the needs of…
Company news 416 2022-09-24

Polyethylene film extrusion molding
Polyethylene film extrusion moldingAmong such products as plastic film, polyethylene plastic film is a plastic product with the highest output and a wide range o…
Company news 388 2022-09-23

Plastic film extrusion
Plastic film extrusionPlastic film extrusion molding refers to plasticizing and melting in the machine with polymer synthetic materials as the main trimming mate…
Company news 452 2022-09-22

ABS pipe
ABS pipeABS is a kind of plastic pipe which is made of BS resin as raw material after being plasticized and melted by an extruder.(1) D1 has been introducedIt is…
Company news 395 2022-09-21