Foam plastic extrusion molding process and equipment

DATE:2021/9/26 8:26:42 / READ: / SOURCE:This station

Foam plastic extrusion molding process and equipment

        Extrusion molding is a continuous production method, so it has high productivity and is easy to realize automation. High-speed and high-efficiency foam plastic extrusion molding products are not only increasingly widely used, but also at an advantage in price, becoming one of the main methods of foam molding processing.
      Foamed products such as general profiles, plates, pipes, membranes, and cable insulation layers can all be shaped (extruded foaming molding method is used for P properties. The basic principle of extrusion foaming molding is similar to ordinary extrusion molding. The key technical material problem is to control the appropriate foam. During the extrusion process, various additives such as plastics and foaming agents complete the plasticization, mixing, and decomposition of the foaming agent in the extrusion barrel (chemical foaming method) ), or blowing agent boiling (physical foaming method), or inert gas pressure injection (mechanical foaming method). Regardless of the foaming method, the common process control element is to build enough extruders The foam material is foamed in advance near the extrusion die by the head pressure. Once the foam material enters the die, the pressure-relieved foam product passes through the guiding device, the cutting device and the collecting device, and finally packs e//へfoam Molding and forming skins with different requirements. The molded foam products continue to be cooled and shaped to complete the cooling and final shaping of the products. Since the thermal insulation performance of the foam is better than the material matrix, the cooling and shaping section of the foamed product is usually It is longer than the ordinary extruder. The foaming method usually used for cooling the fixed sheet is divided into two categories: chemical foaming and physical foaming. The mechanical foaming method can be classified as a physical foaming method.


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