Bubble sheets and skin packaging

DATE:2021/8/11 9:06:52 / READ: / SOURCE:This station

Bubble sheets and skin packaging

      Blister packaging is a process of thermoforming a transparent plastic sheet to form a blister with the approximate dimensions of the packaged content on a mold, and then placing the article in the blister. The cardboard used for the adhesive is the base pallet. , Bonding packaging to form a product skin packaging, use a specially produced cardboard with fine holes and a special printing ink (breathable) and latex after coating and drying, and then use LDPE or Surlyn with good thermal adhesion on the skin packaging machine After the film is heated, the content is placed on the cardboard of the skin packaging machine, and the heated skin film with good thermal adhesion is tightly attached to the content and the cardboard after vacuum suction (Table 5-10-1 ). It is characterized by transparency and visible packaging contents; it can package products with complex shapes, such as toys, electronic products, handicrafts, etc. The disadvantage is that the operation is interrupted and the production efficiency is low. www.handern.com sheet equipment
      The blister package is thermoformed in advance to form the shape of the blister, and then the skin package and the blister package are placed. The difference between the product and the bottom plate, the bottom plate and the blist You can insert the bottom plate) or staples to connect together. There is a certain gap between the bubble sheet and the outer surface of the product; while the skin packaging is to tightly wrap the product, relying on the point of the body film to be heated on the packaging machine to become sticky Secondly, the glue applied on the bottom plate (porous paper) is connected with the plastic film. The thickness of the film for skin packaging is about 10 filaments, which is relatively thin. The bubble wrap is relatively thick. Most of the blister packaging materials are between 2.5mm and 35mm. Most of the blister packaging materials are PVC (rigid and transparent) sheets and PS transparent sheets, which are strong, and the skin packaging film is flexible and easy to adhere to products with complex shapes. www.handern.com sheet equipment


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