Production line of blending modified high speed breathable plastic film

DATE:2021/7/8 8:36:00 / READ: / SOURCE:This station

Production line of blending modified high speed breathable plastic film
Polymer blend is a mixture of two or more homopolymers or copolymers, especially plastics. Although plastics have many excellent properties, compared with metal materials, there are still many shortcomings. In some areas with high requirements for comprehensive properties, a single plastic is difficult to meet the requirements. Therefore, plastic blending can be implemented and developed. The purpose of blending modified plastics is as follows: to improve the comprehensive properties of plastics; Improve the mechanical properties of plastics, such as strength, low temperature toughness, etc; Improve the heat resistance of plastics. Most of the plastic thermal deformation temperature is not high, for some parts working at a certain temperature, general plastic is not competent; For example, the processability of polyphenylene oxide (PPO) is poor, and the processing fluidity of PPO modified by polystyrene (PS) is greatly improved; Reduce the water absorption, improve the dimensional stability of products, such as polyamide water absorption is larger, cause the dimensional change of products; In order to improve the flame resistance of plastics, most of them are flammable materials, and the safety of them used in electrical and electronic equipment is low; The cost of materials is reduced, and the price of plastics, especially engineering plastics, is higher. The blending modification of low price general plastics and engineering plastics not only reduces the cost of materials, but also improves the processability of engineering plastics; To realize the functionalization of plastics and improve their performance, for example, the conductivity of plastics is small. For some applications that need anti-static and conductive, they can be blended with conductive polymers to obtain plastic materials with anti-static function, conductive function and electromagnetic shielding function, which can meet the requirements of electronics, home appliances, communication, military, etc. High speed breathable film production line
Acrylonitrile styrene butadiene copolymer (ABS) resin is well-known as the blending modification material of polystyrene. This new material is strong and tough, which overcomes the outstanding brittleness of polystyrene. In addition, ABS resin is one of the most important engineering plastics with good corrosion resistance and easy processing, which can be used to prepare mechanical parts. Therefore, ABS resin has attracted great interest and attention, and thus opened up a new polymer science field of polymer blending modification. In 1975, DuPont company developed super high toughness polyamide Zytel st, which is a blend made by adding a small amount of polyolefin or rubber into polyamide. The impact strength of the blend is much higher than that of polyamide. This discovery is very important. Now it is known that the impact strength of other engineering plastics such as polycarbonate (PC), polyester, Polyoxymethylene (POM) can be greatly improved by adding a small amount of polyolefin or rubber. High speed breathable film production line
In a word, through blending modification, the comprehensive properties of plastics can be improved, the varieties of plastics can be increased, the uses of plastics can be expanded, the cost of plastics can be reduced, the high performance, refinement, functionalization, specialization and serialization of plastics can be realized, the development of plastics industry and polymer material industry can be promoted, and the automobile, electronics, electrical, mechanical and mechanical industries can also be promoted The development of home appliances, communications, military, aerospace and other high-tech industries. High speed breathable film production line


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