Handern plastic container pre-treatment

DATE:2021/2/19 9:54:14 / READ: / SOURCE:This station

plastic container pre-treatment

Flame treatment is an earlier method of film pretreatment-one, now mainly used in plastic printing containers pretreatment. The main step of the method is to expose the plastic container to the oxidized flame of gas or natural gas C 870~2090. After 0.2 seconds, it can be cooled from the inner side of the container. as the flame treatment first causes cracking. The result is that hydrogen is lost to form double bonds; on the other hand, oxidation occurs on the surface of olefin containers to form carbonyl groups. both polar groups improve the adhesion of printing ink to olefin containers. hollow profile  handern.com

The effect of flame treatment is related to the heat produced by the burner, the ratio of air to oxygen, the distance between the product and the top of the flame, the contact time, the nozzle angle, the number and so on.
 The simplest qualitative inspection method of product surface treatment is to immerse the treated container in water and observe the retention and rupture time of the water film on the treatment surface. The longer the retention time, the better.
 2. screen printing and screen printing process
 (1) Screen printing machine and printing process screen printing machine can be divided into plane screen printing machine, three-dimensional object screen printing machine, curved screen printing machine, printing line screen printing machine. Plastic container printing mainly uses curved screen printing machine. hollow profile   handern.com
 At present, the world's most advanced automatic, semi-automatic screen printing machine can print any shape and any size of plastic products and containers including cylindrical surface, conical surface. production speed up to 1000~6000 pcs per hour. {For example, Italian OMSORS 30 automatic printing machine can print simple products (such as pipe fittings, containers, etc).
This printing machine is equipped with flame device for container pretreatment, product positioning device for multi-color printing and drying box and conveyer, automatic feeding device with automatic feeding device, variable speed transmission device, printing machine with centering shaft, automatic unloading device of printing material, etc.

Guoguang curved surface blue printing machine is mostly monochrome, but has produced trichromatic surface screen printing machine.hollow profile   handern.com
 The structure of the monochromatic surface printing machine is shown in figure 12-26. Monochromatic surface printing machine parts are placed on the support with two rollers. The printing and thanks koji connecting rod mechanism makes the printing support and the scraping base tool frame move, the substrate is in contact with the screen, the screen frame is pushed by hand, and the screen is rotated and printed under the action of friction. After printing, the connecting rod mechanism removes the cross support and ink scraper from the screen. Because the screen and substrate is driven by friction, so can not overprint. If the curved perch is driven by the motor to distribute the shaft, two groups of cranks are pushed to make the net frame move back and forth, and the other group makes the printing support and the ink scraper move up and down, the semi-automatic can be realized. Domestic three-color screen printing machine is accurate by positioning gear, rack to ensure.


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