Co-extrusion compounding process

DATE:2020/11/5 8:53:53 / READ: / SOURCE:This station

Co-extrusion compounding process
The co-extrusion composite process is a lamination process that uses two or more extruders to share a composite die to produce multi-layer composite packaging films and sheets. Its unique features are:
(1) There is no need to use adhesives or AC agents. Therefore, there are no problems with products and solvent pollution caused by adhesives and AC agents;
(2) In terms of product price, co-extruded composite film is the lowest cost of composite film;
(3) The choice of base film is more narrow. Only those with good resin compatibility can be used to produce composite films by co-extrusion. Incompatible materials must use the same two mutually incompatible resins. A compatible compatibilizer can be used as an intermediate layer to be firmly bonded together. In fact, it can only be used for laminating between thermoplastics and thermoplastics;
(4) Co-extruded composite films can only be printed on the surface. In the production process, the co-extrusion composite process has two types: co-extrusion round die method and co-extrusion composite T-die casting method. The round die co-extrusion blows out an inflated multi-layer co-extrusion film, and the T-die extrudes a co-extrusion cast film.
The production process of the circular die co-extrusion and inflation multi-layer film is as follows: two or more extruders feed separately → composite circular die co-extrusion → composite multi-layer film inflation → air ring Cooling → herringbone inflated film bubble leading film, bubble extinguishing roller pinch film extinguishing bubble → cutting → corona treatment → winding. Blowing film always has a slow cooling rate, so the production speed can only be 30-60m/min. The more effective co-extrusion composite process is T-die flow co-extrusion of multi-layer films or sheets.
The door spoke is wide; the film thickness is uniform and the error is small; the production speed is high, up to 100-150m/min. A very important requirement in the co-extrusion compounding process is to have good thermal adhesion between various resins, that is to say, there must be good compatibility in order to form a composite film and have good composite fastness.


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