Wuhan Handern Lithographic Plate Making Process
DATE:2020/10/9 9:03:25 / READ: / SOURCE:This station
Wuhan Handern Lithographic Plate Making Process
The printing plates used in Wuhan modern lithographic printing adopt stone, glass, and offset plates. The marking part and the non-marking part are almost on the same plane. The physical phenomenon of oil and water incompatibility is used to make the marking part have affinity. The oil is water-resistant, and the non-scribing part of the surface is hydrophilic and oil-resistant, thus obtaining printing. The first is to transfer the ink to the marking part of the metal plate, and then reprint it on the blanket and transfer it to the substrate. The stone plate is the most primitive and heavy plate material. It has now been replaced by the metal plate material, which is composed of zinc or aluminum. Glass plate, also known as collo plate, is mainly used for printing fine paintings, ancient paintings, handwritings, etc. Lithographic printing presses are divided into direct printing and indirect printing according to the printing method. Lithograph and collograph printing machine are direct printing. The machine is rarely used. Modern offset printing machines are all indirect printing machines. The printed matter is not in direct contact with the printing plate, but a rubber roller is used to transfer the patterns and text on the metal printing plate to the rubber roller, and then the rubber is printed on the substrate, so offset printing is also called offset printing. The lithographic printing machine has the advantages of high precision, fast printing speed, high production efficiency, and good printing quality, and the development speed is relatively fast. www.handern.com Non-woven equipment
There are many types of offset printing presses, including single-sheet paper-feeding printers, web-feeding rotary offset presses; single-color, two-color, four-color offset presses; full-sheet presses, side-by-side presses, and four-opening Printing presses, etc., offset offset presses are mainly used for paper printing dramas, and now they are also increasingly used in flexible plastic packaging printing. It has a faster plate-making speed than gravure and a lower price. It is suitable for small batches of fast offset printing presses. It consists of paper feeding system, water and ink feeding system, imprinting system, paper delivery system and transmission mechanism. The main domestic speed production is www.handern.com. The majority of air-permeable film equipment is sheet-fed offset printing presses, with a speed of 5000-10000 sheets/h, which can be used for web offset printing presses for plastic source film printing. The speed is generally 15000. ~3000pm/h, with single color, double-sided double-color, double-sided three-color, etc. www.handern.com Breathable membrane equipment. Plate materials for offset printing include protein plate, flat four plate, multilayer metal plate, pre-sensitized plate, and zinc oxide paper-based plate. The process flow of the copy is as follows: www.handern.com non-woven equipment
(1) Photographing, color separation, and screening. The original (black and white or color) is photographed in yellow, cyan, and red using a plate-making camera with color filters. The electronic color separation method can also be used to separate the original manuscript into color negative films. The negative picture made by photographic color separation or electronic color separation can be photographed by adding a screen into a negative film plate with network lines that can be used for uniforms. The color separation photographic negative film with dots is copied to a metal printing plate for For printing, no matter what kind of printing plate, printing plate. www.handern.com Non-woven equipment
(2) Printing
The process operation of the printing plate can be divided into the steps of surface treatment, glazing, and chemical treatment of the plate surface to complete. www.handern.com Non-woven equipment