Wuhan Handern dry composite process

DATE:2020/9/27 8:45:36 / READ: / SOURCE:This station

Wuhan Handern dry composite process
       Dry lamination is to use an adhesive to be coated on the substrate, and then to dry and volatilize the solvent to improve the initial adhesion and bonding force of the adhesive before pressing and lamination with another substrate. The opposite is true for wet compounding. The glue is applied and then laminated and then heated and dried to cure. Obviously, wet compounding is not suitable for plastic film compounding. After the glue is applied and pressed, a large amount of adhesive solvent is pressed and laminated on the composite film. The plastic film cannot make these solvents volatilize during drying and curing, nor can it be absorbed by the plastic film, so wet compounding is not suitable for plastics. Used for lamination between films. Wet compounding is only suitable for the compounding of porous materials, such as paper, wood, plywood, etc. or porous foamed plastics. Because these materials are loose and have a large number of pores, the solvent in the adhesive can be emitted or absorbed through the pores in these materials during the heating and curing process. www.handern.com Non-woven equipment
         The glue used for wet compounding is generally acrylic latex, EVA latex, phenolic resin glue and other organic solvent glues. The substrate is paper, fabric, non-woven fabric, cellophane, aluminum foil, etc. The glue for wet compounding can also use starch glue. The wet compounding process of aluminum foil and paper is as follows: aluminum foil unwinding→coating adhesive→pressing on the same paper→coating slip agent or polish on the other surface of aluminum foil→drying and curing→rewinding. The composite material compounded by this method can be used for packaging cigarettes, chocolates, etc., and can also be used for packaging of sweets, medicines, and baked cakes, but the interlayer adhesion is poor in water resistance, heat resistance, and chemical resistance. Under high temperature and high humidity, these hydrophilic adhesives can cause problems such as delamination and corrosion of aluminum foil. www.handern.com Non-woven equipment
        The dry compounding method has the following advantages compared with other compounding processes: (1) The available substrate surface is wide, which can be plastic and plastic, or plastic and paper, plastic and metal, fabric, non-woven fabric, etc. Compound, even without plastic, paper and metal can also be compounded; (2) The fastness of the compound is relatively high, and the interlayer peeling force can reach more than 100025m wide, which can produce high-end packaging products, such as high-temperature cooking bags; (3) Each The thickness of the layer can be freely selected and accurately controlled; (4) It can be printed on the surface or on the reverse side; (5) The production speed is fast, the general operating speed is 150-180m/min, and the fastest can reach more than 200m/min. The disadvantages of dry compounding are: (1) Adhesives are needed for compounding, and there is a problem of residual solvent toxicity. Therefore, dry compounding packaging materials, especially dry compounding materials cured with two-component polyurethane glue, cannot be used in North America And the European market, but can only be sold in Southeast Asia, Africa and other places. www.handern.com Non-woven equipment


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