Wuhan Handern Profile Extrusion Process www.handern.net

DATE:2020/8/25 8:46:14 / READ: / SOURCE:This station

Wuhan Handern Profile Extrusion Process

       Profiled materials are mostly used in the production of plastic window frames. There are currently three types of materials for plastic window frames: (1) PVC; (2) low-chlorine foam materials; (3) modified polyphenoxy (PPO). However, PVC is the most, accounting for more than 90%. Therefore, the production of PVC window frames is taken as an example to briefly introduce the processing technology of profiled materials.

       1. Reference example of formula for rigid PVC window frame

       As a PVC window frame plastic, its formula is characterized by adding modified resin. Mainly use CPE and EVA, and some are modified with acrylic resin. Table 9-33 lists the formula of impact-resistant white window frame of EVA modified PVC of G.M. enzel company of Federal Germany. Single-layer and multi-layer co-extrusion plastic sheet (board) production linewww.handern.net

        2. Hard PVC window frame processing
       (1) Preparation of raw materials When using a mixture of modifiers such as EVA and GPE with PVC, it presents a honeycomb structure with a linear structure of EVA in PVC. Therefore, the raw materials need to be mixed to achieve sufficient mixing. The mixing conditions will affect the impact resistance of the product to a large extent.
      According to the analysis of electron microscopy, the aggregated structure of the EVA-PVC mixture with high impact strength is a honeycomb-like porous structure, and this cavity structure has a strong ability to absorb impact. When the mixing time is long, the porous salt structure of the PVC system is destroyed and tends to be homogenized. The impact absorption of this homogenized system is equivalent to that of pure PVC. Single-layer and multi-layer co-extrusion plastic sheet (board) production line www.handern.net

      (2) Some hard PVC window frames are extruded by a single screw extruder. Recently, a twin screw extruder is widely used. The advantages of the twin screw extrusion process are: ①The molding temperature is low and the extrusion melt is sheared. The difference is small; ②The powder is evenly mixed in the machine, which can prevent melt backflow and resin degradation; ③When changing the formula, the twin-screw is adaptable and easy to adjust, ④Save 20-30% of energy.

      The extrusion molding conditions directly affect the performance of the product, so it is necessary to find the best process conditions. Taking the processing conditions of twin-screw extrusion as an example, the temperature change of the material and the die has a significant effect on the impact strength of the product. Single-layer and multi-layer co-extrusion plastic sheet (board) production linewww.handern.net


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