Wuhan Handern Colored Plastic Agricultural Film

DATE:2020/5/16 8:26:52 / READ: / SOURCE:This station

Wuhan Handern Colored Plastic Agricultural Film

        Wuhan Handern colored plastic agricultural film includes colored LDPE film, colored LDPE film, black and white space LL.DPE film, black LLDPE film, colored HDPE film, co-extruded multi-layer color LDPE film, colored soft PVC film, double color ⊥DPE / LDPE film (black / white two-color film, black / silver gray two-color film), etc. www.handern.com Meltblown non-woven equipment We already know that sunlight includes ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared light, etc., and visible light includes light of different wavelengths (different colors). Different wavelengths (different colors) of sunlight have different effects on crops. www.handern.com If the melt-blown non-woven equipment manufactures agricultural film, it will color the plastic agricultural film to produce agricultural films of different colors, artificially create light sources of various wavelengths, which are Quality will produce unexpected results. Now many researchers have developed agricultural films of different colors such as red, yellow, green, blue, purple, etc., planting different varieties of vegetables, fruits, and have achieved surprising results. For reasons that are not fully understood, many people believe that colored agricultural film can promote the growth of fruits and vegetables, make the roots of plants thicker, drive away pests, increase the yield of certain crops, and even change some carrot-like ones. The taste of root vegetables. However, the effect of colored agricultural film on crops is specific (specific colors, specific plant species), the repeatability of the test results between years is poor, and improper color selection will cause crop yields to be reduced. Therefore, the colored agricultural film must be used carefully and selectively. www.handern.com Meltblown non-woven equipment
      Some researchers compared the colored agricultural films with different colors to ordinary agricultural films, and compared the experiments to prove that the red and green agricultural films can promote the growth of spinach. The yellow agricultural film extended the growth of vegetables by more than 30 days. Planting strawberries with purple agricultural film and blue agricultural film can increase its yield and fruit quantity. www.handern.com Melt-blown non-woven equipment Covering the planted tobacco with a blue or high haze agricultural film can effectively promote its growth. Eggplant growth is best covered with purple agricultural film. The cultivation of bananas is favored by green agricultural film. The yellow agricultural film can increase the yield of cucumber, the vitamin content and reducing sugar content of cucumber increase, and downy mildew significantly decreases. www.handern.com Melt-blown non-woven equipment The ginseng cultivated with green agricultural film has strong growth, fast dry matter accumulation, large pulp, high yield and high quality. The yellow film has the effect of attracting the green powder and the insects. Apply the adhesive on the yellow film and hang it in the greenhouse to induce the adult of the green powder. Black, green and red mulch can remove weeds. www.handern.com Meltblown non-woven equipment
      Researchers in Pennsylvania, USA, found that: green agricultural film makes plant rhizomes thicker and can support more fruits; red and blue agricultural film can obviously stimulate plant pigments and plant leaves to be sensitive in the wavelength range of 580-700mm . Green is best for growing peppers and melons. Red is more suitable for tomatoes. Blue is more suitable for zucchini and eggplant. www.handern.com Meltblown non-woven equipment
      In Italy, a greenhouse covering experiment with 8 colors of agricultural film was found, and it was found that purple, orange, and yellow agricultural films can promote the growth of vegetables, increase yield and delay storage. Among them, the effect of purple agricultural film is the most significant. The blue agricultural film covers the parsley, which increases the vitamin C content compared to the colorless film. www.handern.com Melt-blown non-woven equipment covered eggplant with purple film, the highest yield. The gold reserve in Japan uses light blue agricultural film to grow strawberries, which can cause the leaves to grow larger and the fruits harvested more. www.handern.com Meltblown non-woven equipment
      Co-extrusion multi-layer color composite agricultural film has multiple functions. In South America, the yellow / brown composite agricultural film has a unique function. The yellow layer of the film can attract pests, and the brown layer of the film can maintain heat. When the temperature of the agricultural film increases, the pests attracted to the yellow film layer can be killed. You can also place a yellow plastic belt every five rows in the farmland to attract pests in the field. You can kill the pests by spraying pesticides on the yellow belt, which can save about 80% of the pesticides, and is also environmentally friendly. www.handern.com Meltblown non-woven equipment


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