Company news

Wuhan Hyundai Shrink Film

Wuhan Hyundai Shrink Film

Wuhan Hyundai Shrink Film Wuhan Hyundai Shrink Film is a film that shrinks or seals the package in the vertical and horizontal directions under the conditio…

Company news 348 2020-07-20

Wuhan Handern Granulation

Wuhan Handern Granulation

Wuhan Handern Granulation The kneaded PVC dry mix can be directly used for extrusion molding, such as making pipes, profiles, blown film and other final pro…

Company news 358 2020-07-09

Wuhan Handern Plastic Laminate

Wuhan Handern Plastic Laminate

Wuhan Handern Plastic Laminate Plastic laminates were called for the first commercialization between 1910 and 1920. They are composed of cellulose fibers mi…

Company news 377 2020-07-08

Wuhan Handern Edible Film

Wuhan Handern Edible Film

Wuhan Handern Edible Film 1. Except that the raw materials of cellophane and fiber plastic film come from natural raw materials, the others are all syntheti…

Company news 420 2020-07-06

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