
Wuhan Handern Transfer Molding

Wuhan Handern Transfer Molding

Wuhan Handern Transfer MoldingI. Overview The main molding method of thermosetting plastics is compression molding, but this method has a series of shortcom…

Company news 370 2020-07-01

Wuhan Handern Dairy Packaging

Wuhan Handern Dairy Packaging

Wuhan Handern Dairy Packaging Dairy crystals include milk: dry road, yogurt, ice cream, cream, margarine and yogurt. www.handern.com Hollow board equipment …

Company news 385 2020-06-18

Wuhan Handern Granulation

Wuhan Handern Granulation

Wuhan Handern Granulation The kneaded PVC 1000 mix can be directly used for extrusion molding, such as making pipes, profiles, blown films and other final p…

Company news 417 2020-06-16

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