
Handern Seiko granulation

Handern Seiko granulation

Modern Seiko granulationThe kneaded PVC dry mixture can be directly used for extrusion molding, such as making pipe, profile, blow molding film and other drum en…

Company news 317 2021-01-21

Wuhan Handern Seiko FRP

Wuhan Handern Seiko FRP

Wuhan Handern Seiko FRPAccording to the Henghe Jiqing meat fiber reinforced plastic into a true reinforced plastic. It is a new type of composite material made o…

Company news 299 2021-01-19

Wuhan Handern calender

Wuhan Handern calender

Wuhan modern calender(1) The guiding roller is close to the calender, which plays the role of guiding away the film. The number of guide roller visual processing…

Company news 315 2021-01-15

Wuhan Handern Transfer Molding

Wuhan Handern Transfer Molding

Wuhan Hyundai Transfer MoldingThe main molding method of thermosetting plastics is compression molding, but this method has a series of shortcomings. For example…

Company news 323 2021-01-14

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