Cellulose acetate film use

日期:2019/7/1 9:03:23 / 阅读: / 来源:本站

Cellulose acetate film use
(1) With transparent window box and assembly box, the transparency is used for transparent window box or assembly box, which can mechanically protect the items contained inside, and can also see the effect of the goods inside from the outside, especially CTA, its dimensional stability is good, even if the ambient temperature changes, it is very straight at all times, no wrinkles and distortions occur, and the creases are not white or turbid.
(2) The blister packaging and the body packaging mainly use CDA, which has good transparency, good heat resistance, high temperature sterilization after packaging, and can be used for packaging medical supplies, food utensils and other sanitary articles. Ethylene and paper are compounded and such materials are widely used.
(3) Packaging of fresh fruits It is not easy to keep the color, aroma and taste in the storage process. It is generally not easy to use moisture-proof and gas-tight packaging. A cellulose acetate film that passes through moisture and carbon dioxide gas is most suitable. The fruit-filled snacks and the packaging of the pastry also impose certain requirements on the breathability, and can be packaged in a cellulose acetate window.
(4) Composite packaging Cellulose cellulose can be further compounded with paper, metal foil and other plastics to further improve the excellent gloss, printing adaptability, damage resistance, elastic recovery and other properties of cellulose acetate. It can be changed into a moisture-proof and waterproof membrane, and it is a membrane with excellent packaging functions. Most of these composite membranes are used for packaging of antibiotics such as penicillin, dried foods, powdered beverages, etc.
(5) For publicity, advertising labels, calendar materials make use of its beautiful appearance, good dimensional stability, a large number of decorative materials, beautiful packaging, can generate new commodity value, and promote sales.
(6) Others have less static electricity, are not easy to stick to ash, and are relatively hygienic. Therefore, they are commonly used in packaging, macaroni and other packaging in the United States.


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